


Mason Dixon Distillery

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

A craft distillery on the most sacred of civil war battlegrounds in the country. Located in the old Furniture factory of C.S. Reaser

The Challenge:

Bring legacy and the American spirit together. Create a brand that was forged through blood, sweat, and tears. 

The Solution:

Our client knew exactly the essence of his brand which was truly an amazing experience for us. The red, white, and blue were an obvious conclusion for this brand and the client felt strongly about this. The rifles in the logo are a nod to the Civil War battles that played out on this hallowed ground. The blue is on top to symbolize the north and the red on the bottom to symbolize the south. The bottle shapes were chosen because they were common in this era so the labels were designed not to interfere with that aesthetic. There is a map of Gettysburg on the back (of the back) label that makes a 3D effect when you are looking at the front.



Brand Identity

Package Design
